1、减肥的英文lose weight weight 读法 英 we#618t 美 wet1n 重量,重力负担砝码重要性 2vt 加重量于,使变重 短语1molecular weight distribution 化分子量分布 2weight ratio 体重比。
2、I am losing weight祝天天开心,学习进步如果不明白,请再问如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮手机提问者请在客户端上评价点“满意” , 谢谢。
3、slimming products slimming翻译成瘦身是最标准的而有些翻译比如bodyshaping更适合翻译为塑身 而有的直接翻译成thin body的,纯粹是中文式英语。
4、I need to lose some weightsome 可有可无我们办公室美国小姑娘经常说的, 呵呵。
5、The first thought occured to everyone will be the amazing experience of the weight lost from 230 pounds to 150 paunds at the mention of JoyceAfter one year#39s hard work,joyce lost 32 pounds successfully。
6、I need to lose someweightsome 可有可无我们办公室美国小姑娘经常说的,呵呵。
7、Doing more exercise helps us to lose weight请及时采纳,不懂继续问 天天在线 *^__^* 祝学习进步! 谢谢。
8、Losing weight is a long way ,and just take it easy。
10、Across the evidence base, it seems that it's tougher for women to lose weight than men证据表明,女性比男性减肥更难No sugar for me, please I went on a diet 请别给我加糖,我现在正按照规定节食Running is an efficient way to burn calories 运动是燃烧卡路里的有效办法。
11、中英文故事 正版童书 英文绘本讲解 育儿好文 你身边一定有这样一个朋友,天天喊着要lose weight减肥,却喜欢嚼着薯片追剧。
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